What you need to know about being vegetarian


When I first think of vegetarians I automatically think of people who don’t want to eat animals for moral reasons. But, the more I looked into this kind of lifestyle, the more I realized how healthy it could be for someone’s diet. Whether you take it on for a life long commitment, or add practice it for one week a month, or just try it out for a couple months, it has significant health benefits that we could all benefit from! Here’s a look at some statistics from the United States on vegetarians!

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“Thanks to an abundance of scientific research that demonstrates the health and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet, even the federal government recommends that we consume most of our calories from grain products, vegetables and fruits. And no wonder: An estimated 70 percent of all diseases, including one-third of all cancers, are related to diet. A vegetarian diet reduces the risk for chronic degenerative diseases such as obesity, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain types of cancer including colon, breast, prostate, stomach, lung and esophageal cancer.” (vegetariantimes)
The many benefits that come from not consuming animal products is, it lessens your chances for disease, it lessens the amount of chemicals you put in your body, and it helps keep your weight down.
Now while it does have many benefits, it needs to be researched extensively before trying to partake in this way of eating. When eliminating all animal products from your diet, you need to make sure you are replacing all the nutrients you lose from animal products.
One of the most popular ways to substitute the protein you are losing from animal products is substituting that for high protein grains. One of the most popular is ‘Quinoa’, a grain high in protein and has many other health benefits. According to Forbes:
1. Quinoa is one of the most protein-rich foods we can eat
2. Quinoa contains almost twice as much fiber as most other grains
3. Quinoa contains Iron.
4. Quinoa contains lysine.
5. Quinoa is rich in magnesium.
6. Quinoa is high in Riboflavin (B2)
7. Quinoa has a high content of manganese

Wanna try Quinoa? Here is one of my FAVORITE recipes using Quinoa. Delicious, easy and perfect for spring!

1 cup dry quinoa
2 cups water
2 cups sliced grape tomatoes
1 cup spinach, chopped
4 ounces vegan feta cheese (about a half cup)
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp dry oregano
1 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp black pepper

1. Combine the water and quinoa in a medium sized pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer and let cook for 15 minutes, or until the quinoa has absorbed all of the water. (Quinoa package will have specific instructions on package)

2. Making the dressing: Combine the olive oil, garlic, oregano, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Mix well and set aside.

3. In a bowl, combine the sliced tomatoes and spinach.

4. Lastly, add cooked quinoa with tomatoes and spinach. And finish off by adding the dressing and vegan feta cheese.

Mix well and enjoy!

This can be served hot or refrigerated and eaten cold! (Cold is my favorite! Especially in spring and summer!)

But most people can’t rely on cooking at home all the time. Being vegetarian or vegan requires some research into places that offer vegetarian and vegan options in restaurants. For all of my followers in the Pittsburgh area… here are a few places you should definitely check out! While you might not think there are many options… there are probably more than you think! Here are my favorites.

View Vegetarian/Vegan Friendly Restaurants in Pittsburg in a full screen map

Now this all may seem overwhelming but it is something really important to look into. What my suggestion would be is to try it out for a week. See how it makes you feel and if it seems like something you could do. Here is a 7-day timeline with breakfast, lunch and dinner for 7 full days. Try it out and see if a vegetarian diet is something you could do! If it isn’t… taking one week out of the month and eliminating all animal products is still very beneficial!

Ever thought of going vegetarian or vegan?

As I have been researching ways to stay healthy, the idea of becoming a vegetarian or vegan came up a lot. As I started looking into it more, i realized how beneficial this diet can really be. While I don’t think I could be a lifelong vegetarian, I think cutting out a lot of the meat I eat and replacing it with other healthy items could be really beneficial to me! I am really interested in this and curious how I could incorporate this into my everyday! If you think this is something you would be interested in too… Stay tuned!

Quick easy healthy meals

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I recently came across this article and I thought it was very helpful if you are a college student looking to eat healthy. Since doing my survey I came to the realization that most people in college want to lose weight and feel that eating healthy is important. So when I found this article I thought it was perfect for college students. Losing weight is about 20% exercise and 80% diet so by having quick easy and healthy recipes to easily make while at school.. this could really help students who are trying to get healthy! Check it out! 


College Survey

Hi everyone! So this week I surveyed my classmates along with some friends from other school with questions regarding weight, fitness, and eating while in college. I did both male and females and compared some of the results I found…

The first question I asked was do you currently want to lose weight…

do you want to lose weight

As you can clearly see… almost every girl wants to lose weight while most boys don’t. I wondered next if people really did gain the dreaded “freshmen 15” so I asked my if people gained weight their freshmen year in college…

freshmen year

This actually surprised me a little bit on the girls part. I expected more girls to have gained weight but it was an even 50/50 on gaining weight or not. And the most boys didn’t but a small percentage did.

This got me thinking about the difference in health from when you are in high school and then when you get to college. So i asked if people were in better shape in high school than they now are in college

were you in better shape in high school

Most girls said they were in better shape in high school than they are now but what was surprising to me is not one boy answered that way.

Overall I wanted to know how many times a week people were actually working out and how important their diet is to them

eating important?

All the boys answered that eating was important and most girls did as well. I guess for the most part eating healthy is important to most people.. but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are eating healthy…

And lastly working out during the school year… this can be very difficult to juggle being in school and having a heavy workload…


Its good to see that for the most part girls and boys are at least getting in a workout once a week! Although some girls never work out and some go to the extreme of getting in a workout everyday… its good to see that people are for the most part balancing their school work with getting in a little bit of exercise each week.

And lastly for anyone attending school in the Pittsburgh area I made a map of outdoor activities that are more outside of the box then going for a run and hitting the gym! Check it out for some fun ways to get exercise summer or winter! Click Here!

Yoga Locations in Pittsburgh 


View Yoga Locations in Pittsburgh in a full screen map

Yoga is a great way to stay in shape while in school. Not only is it great for your body but it is so relaxing and helps relieve stress. The reason I like it so much is that I can’t always bring myself to run on a treadmill or do intense cardio when I have a lot of schoolwork to do or I am very tired. Yoga is the perfect alternative for when you want to do something good for your body while also calming you down. For those of you in the Pittsburgh area, here is a map of all the local Yoga studios. Find one close to you and get going!

Bethenny Frankel and Skinnygirl

Skinnygirl is a company founded by Bethenny Fankel. Most of you might know her as a cast member on the Real Housewives of New York City.

The company started with the premise of a low calorie alcoholic drink. The first product was the Skinnygirl Margarita, which only has 37.5 calories per serving! But Frankel didn’t stop there. With the extreme success of this product her empire started to grow rapidly. Now the Skinnygirl cocktail line ranges from “ready to serve cocktails” like the Skinnygirl Pina Colada, and Skinnygirl White Cranberry Cosmo, “vodka” which includes flavors like white cherry, and island coconut and lastly there is even a wine collection including red, white, rose and moscato. The line of alcoholic drinks has grown tremendously and every single product is low calorie! Perfect for everyone, but especially us girls in college who probably drink more then the average person!


But the line of Skinnygirl products doesn’t end there! The Skinnygirl brand has expanded to meal bars, snack packs, daily cleanse products, vitamin packs and weight management products.  All of these products are healthy and good or your body! I myself have the meal bars and they are delicious and keep me full while I have a long day at school!

To me Bethenny Frankel is a big inspiration not only in the business world but she is making products to help us stay healthy! My favorite part is the lower calorie alcohol drinks because in college it is really hard to resist the temptation to go to parties and drink, so the Skinnygirl products are the perfect way to stay on track!

(all information was found on skinnygirlcocktails.com and skinnygirldaily.com)