What you need to know about being vegetarian


When I first think of vegetarians I automatically think of people who don’t want to eat animals for moral reasons. But, the more I looked into this kind of lifestyle, the more I realized how healthy it could be for someone’s diet. Whether you take it on for a life long commitment, or add practice it for one week a month, or just try it out for a couple months, it has significant health benefits that we could all benefit from! Here’s a look at some statistics from the United States on vegetarians!

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“Thanks to an abundance of scientific research that demonstrates the health and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet, even the federal government recommends that we consume most of our calories from grain products, vegetables and fruits. And no wonder: An estimated 70 percent of all diseases, including one-third of all cancers, are related to diet. A vegetarian diet reduces the risk for chronic degenerative diseases such as obesity, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain types of cancer including colon, breast, prostate, stomach, lung and esophageal cancer.” (vegetariantimes)
The many benefits that come from not consuming animal products is, it lessens your chances for disease, it lessens the amount of chemicals you put in your body, and it helps keep your weight down.
Now while it does have many benefits, it needs to be researched extensively before trying to partake in this way of eating. When eliminating all animal products from your diet, you need to make sure you are replacing all the nutrients you lose from animal products.
One of the most popular ways to substitute the protein you are losing from animal products is substituting that for high protein grains. One of the most popular is ‘Quinoa’, a grain high in protein and has many other health benefits. According to Forbes:
1. Quinoa is one of the most protein-rich foods we can eat
2. Quinoa contains almost twice as much fiber as most other grains
3. Quinoa contains Iron.
4. Quinoa contains lysine.
5. Quinoa is rich in magnesium.
6. Quinoa is high in Riboflavin (B2)
7. Quinoa has a high content of manganese

Wanna try Quinoa? Here is one of my FAVORITE recipes using Quinoa. Delicious, easy and perfect for spring!

1 cup dry quinoa
2 cups water
2 cups sliced grape tomatoes
1 cup spinach, chopped
4 ounces vegan feta cheese (about a half cup)
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp dry oregano
1 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp black pepper

1. Combine the water and quinoa in a medium sized pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer and let cook for 15 minutes, or until the quinoa has absorbed all of the water. (Quinoa package will have specific instructions on package)

2. Making the dressing: Combine the olive oil, garlic, oregano, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Mix well and set aside.

3. In a bowl, combine the sliced tomatoes and spinach.

4. Lastly, add cooked quinoa with tomatoes and spinach. And finish off by adding the dressing and vegan feta cheese.

Mix well and enjoy!

This can be served hot or refrigerated and eaten cold! (Cold is my favorite! Especially in spring and summer!)

But most people can’t rely on cooking at home all the time. Being vegetarian or vegan requires some research into places that offer vegetarian and vegan options in restaurants. For all of my followers in the Pittsburgh area… here are a few places you should definitely check out! While you might not think there are many options… there are probably more than you think! Here are my favorites.

View Vegetarian/Vegan Friendly Restaurants in Pittsburg in a full screen map

Now this all may seem overwhelming but it is something really important to look into. What my suggestion would be is to try it out for a week. See how it makes you feel and if it seems like something you could do. Here is a 7-day timeline with breakfast, lunch and dinner for 7 full days. Try it out and see if a vegetarian diet is something you could do! If it isn’t… taking one week out of the month and eliminating all animal products is still very beneficial!

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