Student athlete interviews 

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So I interviewed Allie and Carol, two girls I know from school about how they handle being an athlete and a full time student. Not everyone is dedicated enough to a sport to be able to try out and be on a school team once they get to college so that’s why I wanted to interview Carol as well. She just plays an intramural which is perfect if you aren’t looking to be a full time athlete as well. She told me that there was not try out or anything, you just signed up and you were on the team! I would suggest that if you are looking for a way to stay active this is a good option! Its just a fun way to workout without hitting the gym and since there is an actual schedule and team counting on you, it really forces you to workout every week! So check out what intramurals your school offers and get involved!

Do Not Underestimate the Power of a good workout playlist… it keeps you going!!

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*another good thing to note….

If you decide to use those songs to aid your workout they run in total for 41 minutes… this is perfect if you are just starting out because it is a good goal to set doing about 40 minutes of cardio or any type of exercise each day.

Make this your new goal. Download these songs into a playlist and everyday force yourself to workout until the playlist is over… these songs are so fun and upbeat you will be surprised how fast your workout will go!


Top 10 Workout Songs

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1. Stronger: Kanye West

I like to start my workout with this song because its a good pace and it pumps me up for my workout ahead

2. Poker Face: Lady GaGa

Poker face is the perfect transition to get the beat up a little bit. Starting my workout is always the hardest for me so this song really keeps me going

3. Imma Be: Black Eyed Peas

Like most Black Eyed Peas songs… “Imma Be” is a very fast tempo song that keeps me moving

4. Party in the USA: Miley Cyrus

This song..even in the dead of winter like right now… makes me think of summer and being out in beautiful weather and hanging out at the pool… always a good motivator for working out

5: Right Round: Flo Rida

6: Shake Señora: Pittbull

7: Let it Rock: Kevin Rudolf

#’s 5, 6 and 7 are good filler songs, they have a more “rapish” beat to them which i like because right in the middle of my workout is where i start to fade a little. These keep me up beat

8: Love Games: Lady Gaga

Love Games is fast pace and good towards the end of my workout

9: The New Workout Plan: Kanye West

10: Remember the Name: Fort Minor

Although the last two are somewhat cheesy I like to workout to these at the end of my workout because I like to listen to the words more than anything. Finishing out a workout can be the hardest part but listening to the words in these songs really gets me through!!

Delicious Green Smoothie Suggestions!

Below I have provided you guys with my favorite smoothie recipe! But here are some things I like to do to tweak mine!

1. Banana: cut it into small slices and freeze them before you make your smoothie. This will make the banana blend better and therefore you won’t have big banana chunks left at the bottom
2. Milk: In the video I use Almond Milk but any milk will do fine!
3. Peanut Butter: Since paunut butter contains a lot of calories and fat I use PB2 instead. PB2 is a powdered peanut butter that has only 45 calories and 1.5g of fat in 2 tbsp compared to Jif reduced fat peanut butter which has 190 calories and 12g of fat.
You can order PB2 on Amazon or some stores like Trader Joes carries brands of powdered peanut butter!


Delicious Green Smoothie

Want to make a healthy smoothie that actually tastes good?! This is the smoothie for you! It’s SO good you won’t even remember it is good for you! I have this smoothie every morning for breakfast and it keeps me full until lunchtime! You might think that the spinach and green color will make it disgusting but trust me its delicious! Just try it once and you will be hooked!



• Spinach: As much as possible!

• 1-Cup Milk

• ½ Cup Plain Yogurt

• 2 Tablespoons Peanut Butter

• 1 Banana Sliced

• Blend until smooth!

Make it fun

I know it is much easier in college to sleep until 2 and lay around all day and then party all weekend….but college is the best time to get active.

Reason 1: Everything is FREE! Take advantage of the on campus gym and exercise classes. Whether you utilize these or not, part of your tuition helps pay for this so you might as well take advantage. Every campus will have a place for you to workout and a list of tons of classes you can participate in. At my school I can take yoga, zumba, pilates and much more! If I did this at home it would cost me hundreds of dollars out of my own pocket but at school its already paid for!


Reason 2: You don’t have to do it alone! During the summer its hard to get your friends all on the same schedule to be able to work out together. And lets get real its so much better having a friend along side of you than going in alone. So grab your roommate and friends and make it a weekly group activity! Trust me it will be fun and at the end of each week you will be happy you did it!

No dessert unless you eat your vegetables!

ImageAs a kid, how many of us have heard that from our moms and dads? It was a regular in my house, but as we head into our college years, the life of being in high school and living with your parents changes dramatically. A steady high school schedule and for the most part being forced to eat whatever your parents make you, is the reality of high school life.

 But when you get to college, your whole life changes. No one is telling you to eat your vegetables or preparing you a balanced meals. If you wanted to, you could go to the cafeteria and have ice cream for every meal.  While at first this all sounds great, you will soon realize that lifestyle can’t go on forever. As a junior in college I’ve gone through these same temptations. It is so much easier to grab the fast food options in the student union or order a pizza with your roommates then sit down and eat a good meal.  But, as the initial excitement of freshmen year wears off, its time to get back on track and that’s where I come in! If you follow my blog I will be posting easy quick tips and tricks for healthy eating and exercising that any college student can handle!